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The Douglas County Infant Mental Health Project: A place-based professional cohort model.


Guyon, S.K.; Anderson, I.; Hill-Dunbar, R.; Hinson, A. (2022). Douglas County & Rural Infant Mental Health Project: A place-based professional cohort model.


The goal of this project was to connect and strengthen the support systems for young children and their families in a place-based manner that reflected the particular needs of Douglas County. A 12-member professional development cohort, supported by a four-person mentor team, came together across a variety of agencies for education, reflective supervision, and networking opportunities.


The results have been far-reaching and are continuing independent of the project today. The relationships that were carefully created and nurtured within our collaborative model are now creating a strengthened foundation of collaborative work throughout our rural community. Our cohort members are serving as advocates and leaders in the larger infant mental health community.



Leadership in Early Care and Education


Guyon, S.K. (2021). Advocacy in Early Childhood Education; Taking the Work You are Already Doing and Making it Bigger. In T. Marino (Ed.) Early Childhood Education Leadership. OER.


An introduction to the primary elements of leadership in early care and education settings. Topics covered include leadership skills, ethics, educator development, communication, conflict resolution, motivation, current issues, and advocacy.


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